Which order do you give the most importantance to in your salon business?
The salon. The stylist. The client. - The client. The salon. The stylist, or even The stylist. The client. The salon
I think each is of equal importance, because each are equally required for success.
The reason the order can be stated correctly any of these ways, is because I see the order not as a process with a start and end, but as a cycle that follows this order no matter where you start.
The only distinction I'd add to this cycle is to view the owner as another part to this cycle with different needs from the salon than the stylist has.
When the order is looked at as a cycle, the question of importance of which part should the focus begin with, becomes a simple answer of; whichever part you happen to be, the next one in the cycle should be of greatest importance to you.
So if you are the stylist, the client is most important. If you are the client, the salon should be most important to you. (Shock, not the stylist!) The salon should in turn be looking after the owner's needs and the owner in turn the stylist and so on.
When things go counter to, or short cut the order of this cycle, problems occur.
Owners who put clients before the stylist, undermine the team and allow skills to stagnate.
Clients who focus on the stylist loyalty instead of salon loyalty, forever get caught short when they are on holidays, maternity or leave all together.
Stylist who want more from the business in terms of perks, bonuses and flexibility, without first giving full professional consistent service to clients, make it impossible for owners to re-invest or reward them out of abundance and budget surplus. (I'm forever getting asked by salon owners what a budget is, but that's another topic.)
A salon that is setup to only focus on the client experience without providing career fulfillment or a platform for owners and their teams to progress in the industry will only at best be another mediocre statistic, rather than a recognised industry name.
For more benefits to understanding this process as a salon spa success cycle see this following page at http://www.nexusrevolution.co.uk/Targeted-Salon-Support.aspx
The salon. The stylist. The client. - The client. The salon. The stylist, or even The stylist. The client. The salon
I think each is of equal importance, because each are equally required for success.
The reason the order can be stated correctly any of these ways, is because I see the order not as a process with a start and end, but as a cycle that follows this order no matter where you start.
The only distinction I'd add to this cycle is to view the owner as another part to this cycle with different needs from the salon than the stylist has.
When the order is looked at as a cycle, the question of importance of which part should the focus begin with, becomes a simple answer of; whichever part you happen to be, the next one in the cycle should be of greatest importance to you.
So if you are the stylist, the client is most important. If you are the client, the salon should be most important to you. (Shock, not the stylist!) The salon should in turn be looking after the owner's needs and the owner in turn the stylist and so on.
When things go counter to, or short cut the order of this cycle, problems occur.
Owners who put clients before the stylist, undermine the team and allow skills to stagnate.
Clients who focus on the stylist loyalty instead of salon loyalty, forever get caught short when they are on holidays, maternity or leave all together.
Stylist who want more from the business in terms of perks, bonuses and flexibility, without first giving full professional consistent service to clients, make it impossible for owners to re-invest or reward them out of abundance and budget surplus. (I'm forever getting asked by salon owners what a budget is, but that's another topic.)
A salon that is setup to only focus on the client experience without providing career fulfillment or a platform for owners and their teams to progress in the industry will only at best be another mediocre statistic, rather than a recognised industry name.
For more benefits to understanding this process as a salon spa success cycle see this following page at http://www.nexusrevolution.co.uk/Targeted-Salon-Support.aspx